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Data Collection

Another critical step in conducting research studies is collecting reliable and realistic data. At Data Investigator, we also offer data collection service to facilitate researchers in gathering reliable and accurate data from qualified participants. The clients can give us the qualifications based on demographic factors (based on gender, age group, education level, occupation and monthly income), interests, past experience or current usage. We will recruit the qualified participants from our active online panels and send out the questionnaire for them to fill out. Our team closely monitor the quality by screening out low quality respondents (those who answer the questionnaire in a short period of time and those who answer the questions in unrealistic manners, such as those who answer the same for every rating questions) and immediately replacing them with the qualified ones. Also, to ensure that the respondents are unique and identifiable, we carefully checked their identity with their emails and personal mobile numbers and we also send surveys back to them once in a while to recheck their identity.


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Professional Fee

Please kindly contact us through Line Official Account or Email as the professional fees will be varied according to topics and requirements (See Professional Fee)

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